Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz - Book Summary

Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz – Book Summary

First published: March 18, 2023 @ 6:00 pm

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

Have you ever found yourself in a constant cycle of working harder and harder to make more money, only to find that your business is still struggling to stay afloat? Do you feel like you’re always just one step away from financial stress, no matter how much you try to save or cut costs?

If so, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs and small business owners face the same struggles when it comes to this complicated subject. But the good news is, there is a solution. In his book “Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine,” author Mike Michalowicz offers a revolutionary new approach to financial management that has helped countless businesses not just survive, but thrive.

By focusing on profit first and reorganizing the way you allocate your resources, Michalowicz argues, you can turn your business ideas into a profitable business that supports your goals and aspirations, rather than draining your time, energy, and resources.

To get into the lessons, here are some key ideas we can learn from this business book:

1. The standard method of doing things forces you to struggle against human nature, which is why so many firms become entangled in debt.
2. You must deal with lesser sums of cash if you intend on being more proficient in handling your finances.
3. If you seek for methods to make your firm more financially effective, your earnings and your company are going to grow.

Now, let’s dive into the details of these insights!

The Standard Business Method are Against Human Nature

As humans, we have a natural tendency to resist structure and routines. Yet, when it comes to business, we are often told to follow the standard methods and processes that have been in place for decades. The problem is, these methods are often at odds with our natural inclinations and can lead to burnout, dissatisfaction, and a lack of productivity.

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Photo by Microsoft Edge on Unsplash

The typical pattern that executives aim to follow is sell a large number of items, minus outgoing costs, and keep the remainder. However, the issue is that the formula is reversed. Parkinson’s Law rule, which was discovered by Cyril Northcote Parkinson in the 1950s, argues that how long it requires to accomplish a task relies on how much time you have to do it.

In other words, if you’ve got three days to do a task, it will take three days. The same is true with money. You’ll discover methods to spend it all if you understand how much is accessible without first reducing profit.

Income is also affected by the Primacy effect. It indicates that you have a tendency to focus on what arrives first and overlook all others. That is, when profit comes last, you do not account for it and hence do not receive enough.

Alternatively, you can start this behavioral approach by determining how much you want to earn and subtracting it from your projected sales. You’ll deal with what you still have and always make a healthy profit when everything is said and completed!

Deal with Lesser Sums of Cash

The author noticed he was putting all of his money in one account and using it all each month. He reasoned that spending less allowed him to deal with lesser quantities.

To do this, he suggests creating five separate bank accounts for these reasons:

  • Primary source of income
  • Profits
  • Owner’s wages
  • Taxes
  • Operational costs

As the firm earns certain amounts of money, it deposits it directly into the primary income account. From there, you may move it as needed into the other bank accounts. Ensure you only use every account for the function you designated.

Seek for Methods to Make Your Firm More Financially Effective

This step advice you to begin by considering how efficient you are at what you’re doing. Are there any areas where you can save money? Could you work more quickly in some areas? Never underestimate the large gains that may result from little improvements!

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Photo by Mailchimp on Unsplash

Examine your company practices and who you target. Do your consumers have varying requirements? If this is the case, you may be spending time and money jumping between unrelated activities. You may get greater earnings in shorter time if you figure out what you’re good at and focus on it.


In conclusion, “Profit First” by Mike Michalowicz is an eye-opening read for any business owner who is tired of struggling to make ends meet. By prioritizing profit and reorganizing your finances, you can transform your business life from a cash-eating monster to a money-making machine.

Remember, the key to success is not just about making more money, but also about managing it effectively. By following the simple idea outlined in “Profit First,” you can ensure that you have a profitable business that is also sustainable and aligned with your values and aspirations. So don’t wait any longer, pick up a copy of this simple book and start transforming your business today!

“Small, repetitive, continuous actions, chained together, build momentous momentum”

– Mike Michalowicz

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