The Mountain is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery by Brianna Wiest - Book Summary

The Mountain is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery by Brianna Wiest – Book Summary

First published: May 7, 2023 @ 6:00 pm

The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns of self-destructive behavior, preventing you from achieving the success and happiness you desire? If so, then “The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery” by Brianna Wiest is the book for you.

In a world where self-sabotage is all too common, this groundbreaking book offers a fresh and empowering perspective on how to overcome self-sabotage and unleash your true potential. Brianna Wiest, a renowned author and speaker, delves deep into the psychology of self-sabotage and provides practical tools and insights to help you transform your self-sabotaging tendencies into self-mastery.

Through compelling anecdotes, relatable examples, and expert advice, “The Mountain Is You” guides you on a transformative journey of self-awareness and self-empowerment. It challenges you to confront your self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors head-on, and offers powerful strategies to break free from the self-imposed limitations that are holding you back.

Here are some points that we can learn from this book:

  1. Discover your hidden commitments that fuel self-sabotage.
  2. Embrace significant changes to transform your life.
  3. Balance intuition and intrusive thoughts.

Let’s learn about the details now!

Discover Your Hidden Commitments that Fuel Self-Sabotage

Our subconscious plays a significant role in our daily actions, including self-sabotage. To address this, we must identify our core commitments, which reflect our deepest desires and motivations. By examining the areas where we struggle or feel most driven, we can uncover the root cause of our self-sabotaging behavior.

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Image by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

For example, if our core commitment is to freedom, we may unconsciously sabotage work opportunities or resist fully engaging in relationships to avoid losing that sense of freedom. It’s crucial to acknowledge and actively work towards fulfilling our core commitments to align our actions with our inner desires and find happiness.

To start, we can write down what frustrates us, makes us unhappy, or angers us, as it often reveals the source of the problem. Then, we can ask ourselves, “What is the lesson in all that I’ve been going through?” and make choices that serve our core needs in the present, building a happy life that aligns with our true motivations.

Embrace Significant Changes to Transform Your Life

As humans, we are naturally drawn to comfort and the familiar, often avoiding risks even when they could benefit us. However, when we find ourselves unhappy with our lives, change can be the catalyst for significant progress.

Despite our innate fear of change, realizing our nature can empower us to make positive transformations. Seeking comfort is crucial for survival, but it can also hinder our personal growth. If we have our basic needs met but are still unhappy, change is necessary.

To prepare for change, we must acknowledge what makes us unhappy. Be ready to face discomfort, frustration, and stress initially. It’s important not to get attached to our old life but instead keep our focus on the new one.

Let go of autopilot mode and break free from tunnel vision. Actively engage in activities and pursue opportunities that align with our true passions and desires, even if it means losing friends along the way. We are building a better version of ourselves, and embracing change is an essential part of that process.

Balance Intuition and Intrusive Thoughts

Our mind is a powerful tool. Our subconscious often knows what’s best for us, aligning with our inner desires without us even realizing it. However, listening to our subconscious can sometimes be confusing, as it may be influenced by both intuition and fear. So how do we differentiate between the two? The answer is to feel your thoughts.

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Image by Alexander Ramsey on Unsplash

If your thoughts are calm, rational, and make sense without triggering panic or negativity, they likely come from intuition. On the other hand, if your thoughts create more problems, remain stuck in your head without resonating in your gut. Stem from a fearful and anxious version of yourself, they are intrusive thoughts that should not be trusted.

Understanding and discerning between these thoughts is a crucial first step in taking care of yourself and building a better version of yourself. It also enhances your emotional intelligence, which is often overlooked. When you align your thoughts with your spirit, understand your core needs, and direct your actions accordingly, your life will change for the better. These steps are essential in fulfilling your higher purpose.


In conclusion, “The Mountain Is You” by Brianna Wiest offers practical strategies for transforming self-sabotage into self-mastery. Through self-awareness, understanding core needs, and aligning thoughts and actions with inner desires, readers can overcome self-limiting beliefs. With its empowering message and actionable advice, “The Mountain Is You” is a must-read for personal growth and self-improvement.

“It is very hard to show up as the person you want to be when you are surrounded by an environment that makes you feel like a person you aren’t.”

― Brianna Wiest

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